The iphone.jpg

Ok this is the story of when I found an iphone 5 on the ground, picked it up, and took it home..,
So my name is Jake, this is my story from 2 days ago. I was walking home from a movie, an awesome movie with my friends, they all live on different streets so we split up at davencroft drive and then I was on my own. About 5 minutes of walking, I notice a brand new no scratch iphone 5 just there on the ground. I pick it up and press the home button and the wallpaper says "DON'T YOU DARE PICK THIS UP". I'm a really interested creepy-pasta reader but curiosity takes over and I unlock the new iphone to see no apps just one that says "Push Or Die" at this moment I'm practically a no-brainer curiosity practically takes over my muscles. Next thing I know I pushed the button and it says "THERE IS NO ESCAPE PUSH THIS BUTTON AND DIE NOW!!" and I just think that I'll take it home and restore it and show off to my friends...
POLICE REPORT #666: A 12 year old boy named jake was found brutally murdered in his house in front of his computer. A file named The iphone.jpg was found on the computer. The .jpg file was left open and witness reports state that the witness's heard an ear-piercing scream and blood being splattered everywhere. Case Closed No Suspect Was Found...